
I still recall, as a child, rubbing my hands on the lavender, rosemary, tomato, and geranium leaves in the garden of my California home. Years later, when I lived in Zurich, I was hypnotized by the mouth-watering scent of fresh-baked pastries wafting from bakery windows. In Milan, I was obsessed with the aroma of chestnuts roasting on street-corners at Christmas time. I'm even drawn to the smell of old books and a worn leather chair. I’ve spent my whole life stopping to smell not just the roses, but the gardenias, tuberose, jasmine and orange blossoms in Southern California, and the lilacs, lilies-of-the-valley and heliotrope in the Northeast. For me, fragrance has always been my first love.

In 1994, after a decade of working as a model and actress in New York and a move to Los Angeles, I opened a small retail store, Illume and filled it with what I knew and loved, CANDLES.

Lynette Reed

Candle shop at:

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